Frequently Asked Questions
Yes and No. Labette County does not have an animal control officer or ordinances regulating stray domestic animals. Kansas law prohibits anyone from permitting a dangerous animal, or any animal with vicious propensities to run at large or failing to take ordinary care to restrain it.
Kansas law, K.S.A. 8-1344 requires the following:
* A child under the age of four years must be in a an appropriate child safety restraining system.
* A child four years of age, but under the age of eight years AND who weighs less than 80 pounds OR is less than 4 foot 9 inches in height, must ride in an approved child passenger safety restraining system.
* A child eight years of age but under the age of fourteen OR who weighs more than 80 pounds OR is more than 4 foot 9 inches in height, must wear a seatbelt.
The Labette County Sheriff's Office processes Concealed Carry Permits Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Residents can obtain an application from the Sheriff's Office or on the Kansas Attorney General's Website (
Applicants must provide fingerprints, photo identification, written documentation of completion of approved safety course, along with a cashier's check or money order for $100.00 made payable to the Kansas Attorney General's Office and another cashier's check or money order for $32.50 made payable to the Labette County Sheriff's Office.
The Labette County Sheriff's Office can provide information deemed public by the Kansas Open Records Act. These records typically include Offense, Arrest and Booking Information.
However, the Labette County Sheriff's Office is prohibited by law to run a criminal history background for you by utilizing the National Crime Information Center. Residents can obtain a more thorough, statewide background check by visiting the Kansas Bureau of Investigation website (
You can renew your Kansas Driver's License at the following five locations:
Location / Hours / Address / Phone
Baxter Springs Open-Close: Thur / Fri 8:30 - 4:00 508 E. 4th Street 856-2777 |
Columbus Open-Close: Tue / Fri 10:00 - 4:00 110 W. Maple St. #112 429-3848 |
Parsons Open-Close: Tue / Wed 7:00 - 5:00 300 N. 17th 421-2506 |
Pittsburg Open-Close: Tue / Fri 7:00 - 5:30 202 E. Centennial Dr. 231-0711 |
Independence Open-Close: Tue / Fri 7:00 - 5:00 200 Arco Place #205 331-8202 |
The Labette County Sheriff's Office routinely accepts applications for all positions. Interested applicants should contact the Sheriff's Office for up-to-date openings prior submitting an application. If a position is not available, the application is kept on file for 6 months.
Positions in the Sheriff's Office range from civilian support positions, to correctional officer, to certified law enforcement officers. The Sheriff's Office make every attempt to advertise positions before hiring.
Applications are available by request at the Sheriff's Office, or downloaded from this website. Upon completion, the application can be submitted in person or by mail.
Labette County Sheriff's Office
718 5th Street
Oswego, Kansas 67356
The Labette County Sheriff's Office will fingerprint persons upon request as part of pre-employment criminal history background checks. Residents should come to the Sheriff's Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to have this process complete.
You may renew your vehicle registration online by going to the Kansas Web Tags site listed below.
No. If you live in Kansas, your vehicles must be registered by the State of Kansas.
You can obtain your Kansas License Plate and Registration from the Labette County Treasurer's Office, after having a Vehicle Identification Number inspection by a law enforcement agency.
The Treasurer's Office is located in the Labette County Courthouse, at 501 Merchant Street, Oswego, and may be reached at 620-795-2138.
Kansas Law and the Kansas Attorney General's Office have reviewed this issue.
If you reside in Kansas, regardless of whether or not you own property in another state, you must obtain Kansas Registration for your vehicle(s).
The relationship between a landlord and his/her tenant is one of a private, civil nature. As such, the Sheriff's Office cannot mediate or decide these disputes. If the parties involved cannot reach an agreement, they will have to take their case to court. They may do this by contacting an attorney, or in some cases, file a case with the Clerk of the District Court.
Missing Persons reports are separated into two general categories:
Missing/Runaway Juveniles: The parent or guardian of any juvenile (under 18 years of age) may file a missing person-runaway juvenile report at any time. These reports will be immediately entered into the NCIC law enforcement database, which would serve to alert any officer from any jurisdiction having contact with the juvenile that he or she is listed as missing or a runaway. Radio notification will be made to all officers on duty. Deputies will also follow-up on any leads provided by the parent/guardian as to the possible location of the juvenile.
Missing Adults: Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older is considered to be an adult with full freedom of movement and liberty. Exceptions would include persons 18 years of age or older who remain under the legal guardianship of another adult or protective services. Deputies will take reports of missing adults at any time. The extent of any follow-up will depend upon the circumstances of the disappearance. For example, if evidence indicated that the missing person was endangered or may have been forcibly abducted, deputies would immediately begin following up on leads. If the missing person simply has not been seen recently but no evidence of foul play was found to exist, then our options and responsibilities in those cases are limited under the law and department policy.
General Noise Complaints: Labette County does not have an ordinance prohibiting loud or excessive noise that would constitute a nuisance. Many municipalities have such an ordinance, but Labette County does not. Therefore, when we receive complaints of loud noise, loud music, etc., we generally have very limited options open to us other than to politely ask the person responsible to turn it down. Only in very extreme cases could a disorderly conduct type charge potentially be filed.
Personal Property Exchanges: People frequently come to the office wanting a deputy to accompany them to a residence to retrieve or recover personal property. We will generally try to assist people at the time they call or come in, if the property exchange or retrieval can be handled in 15 minutes or less. If it will take longer than that, then the parties involved will need to contact a Patrol Sergeant so he may arrange for a Deputy to come in at a pre=arranged time to handle the matter. The sole purpose of the deputy will be TO KEEP THE PEACE. Any property over which ownership is in dispute will remain with the person who has it until a Judge orders otherwise, regardless of any receipts or paperwork showing who purchased the article.
Obtaining Copies of Reports and Records: Most Sheriff's Office records are public information under the Kansas Open Records Act and are available for public viewing. There are several exceptions to this, including reports and paperwork relating to criminal cases remaining open and under investigation, certain personnel records, records sealed/expunged by court order, and records relating to juveniles (under 18 years of age).
Accident Reports: Patrol Deputies prepare reports on traffic accidents they have investigated within Labette County. These reports are typically filed with the record clerk within ten (10) days of the date of the accident.
Property Boundary Disputes: Occasionally, the Sheriff's office is asked to intervene and settle real estate disputes concerning property line boundaries. These are private, civil matters between the parties involved. A judge must settle them in court if the parties cannot agree among themselves. We cannot examine property deeds or survey documents or landmarks to determine or settle property boundary disputes. We will take a written report if asked for informational purposes only, but that must be the extent of our involvement in these issues. Of course, if a court issued orders requiring the Sheriff's Office to perform some act or function relating to a property dispute, we would follow the order of the court.
A Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) is a court action intended to bring about an end of the abuse towards you and/or your children.
To qualify for a Protection From Abuse Order, you and the person you want restrained must be intimate partners or household members, meaning you must:
* Be residing together, OR
* Have formerly resided together, OR
* Be the parent of or living with a child who has suffered abuse by the party you are attempting to restrain, OR
* Have a child in common, OR
* Be in or have been in a dating relationship, AND
* The person has intentionally attempted to cause you or a child bodily injury, or intentionally or recklessly caused bodily injury, OR
* The person has intentionally placed, by physical threat, you or a child, in fear of imminent bodily injury, OR
* The person has engaged in certain sexual conduct with a child less than 16 years of age who is not the spouse of the offender.
How to Apply for a Protection From Abuse Order
* You may call 1-800-723-6953 to contact the Legal Services of Southeast Kansas. This is the organization that assists residents in Labette County in obtaining a PFA.
* Forms for obtaining a PFA order may also be found on-line at
What can happen with a PFA Order?
When you receive a Protection Order, the court is empowered to order any or all of the following:
* Restraining the defendant from abusing, molesting or interfering with the privacy or rights of the plaintiff or of any minor children of the parties.
* Granting possession of the residence or household to the plaintiff, to the exclusion of the defendant.
* Requiring the defendant to provide suitable, alternate housing for the plaintiff and any minor children of the parties.
* Awarding custody and establishing a parenting plan with regard to minor children.
* Ordering a law enforcement officer to evict the defendant from the residence or household.
* Ordering support payments by the party for the support of a party's minor child or a party's spouse.
* Awarding costs and attorney fees to either party.
* Making provision for the possession of personal property of the parties and ordering a law enforcement officer to assist in securing possession of that property, if necessary.
* Requiring the person against whom the order is issued to seek counseling to aid in the cessation of abuse.
* Restraining the defendant from cancelling utility service to resident for 60 days.
* Ordering or retraining any other acts necessary to promote the safety of the plaintiff and the minor children.
What you should Know
You may request that the PFA order be in effect for up to one year. You may file only two PFA petitions within a 12-month period.
Your PFA order is not enforceable until it has been served on the defendant by authorized personnel. If the defendant violates the order before it is served, you can still call the police. The police will not be able to arrest him for violating the order, but they can still protect you.
If the defendant needs to pick up personal property from the home, be prepared to tell the judge when that is convenient for you. The defendant must have a police escort if he needs to come to the home for personal belongings.
The defendant can be ordered to pay child or spousal support. Take time before the second hearing to make a list of expenses and how much you will be asking for. You may be asked to complete this information at the time you file your petition if you are asking for support.
You can ask for court-ordered counseling for the defendant.
If there are children, the Court may require you to file a temporary parenting plan with the petition and/or final order. Be precise about visitation times, location and duration. Avoid vague language such as "reasonable". If you are requesting no visitation or supervised visitation with the defendant, be prepared to explain to the judge why such an order is necessary. The Court may also ask you to provide information about where the children have been living for the last few months.
Your PFA order is enforceable where it is issued and in all other jurisdictions. This includes all 50 states, Indian tribal lands, the District of Columbia, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam.
The information on this page is a summary of the law. For more information or legal advice, you should seek the assistance of an attorney.
Advocates may be available to assist you with the filing of your PFA order, accompany you to court and provide information to you and your children. These resources are available by calling the Crises Center of Southeast Kansas at 1-800-794-9148 or (620) 231-8251 or by calling the Kansas Crisis Hotline at 1-888-END-ABUSE
The Labette County Sheriff’s Office strives to treat all persons having contact with our agency in a fair, equitable, and objective manner, in accordance with the law, and without consideration of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religious dress, or other individual characteristics.
Individuals who wish to make a complaint of racial profiling may do so by delivering a signed written statement to any agency supervisor or the Sheriff. In addition, you may file a complaint with the Kansas Human Rights Commission (785)-296-3206, or the Kansas Attorney General (785)-296-2215.
The Sheriff’s Office will compile an annual report of all complaints of racial profiling received and shall submit the report on or before July 31 to the Office of the Kansas Attorney General for Review. The annual report shall include (1) The date the complaint was filed; (2) action in response to the complaint; (3) the decision upon disposition of the complaint and (4) the date the complaint was closed.
These reports will be open public records and shall be posted on the official website of the Kansas Attorney General
The Labette County Sheriff’s Office closely monitors the registration status of offenders required to register with the Sheriff’s Office under the Kansas Offender Registration Act. We will take immediate enforcement action on offenders who refuse or fail to maintain a current and accurate registration status.
These offenders may be convicted of certain violent, drug related, or sex crimes.
Residents may find offenders by clicking on the "Registered Offenders" tab on the home page of this website or by visiting From there, you can search for offenders by name, geographic location, phone, or internet identifier. You also have the ability to sign up for community notifications in order to be notified when offenders move into your area.
The Labette County Sheriff's Office conducts offender registrations Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Offenders will need to bring appropriate court documents or those from probation/parole officers, along with current information on home address, work address, vehicle, license plate, etc... In addition, all offenders are required to pay the $20.00 fee every time they register or update their registration.
The Labette County Sheriff's Office closely monitors registered offenders to insure they are in compliance. If you fail to comply with your registration compliance, we will seek criminal charges against you.
Sheriff sales are often cancelled by the plaintiff at the last minute, and no official notice can be provided. Check the list above, or call us at 620-795-2994 to find out.
Sheriff sales are subject to change on a day to day basis and we are not always able to respond to inquiries regarding lists of properties or individual items for sale. Follow the link above, or refer to the publication.
You must have either the defendant’s name or the district court case number in order to make inquiries on the status of sales. We are unable to help you if you only have the address.
The full bid amount for a sale item must be paid in cash, certified check or money order at the time of sale. The Sheriff’s Office will accept personal checks only with a letter of credit from the cooperating financial institution. The Sheriff’s Office will not give “change” from any transaction conducted at a sheriff sale. Should the amount of the check or cash be over the amount bid, the sheriff will issue a receipt for the actual amount received and any overage will be paid from the Clerk’s office at a later date.
Mortgage Foreclosure Sales are held on the published date at 10:00 am sharp on the east steps of the Labette County Courthouse.
Tax Foreclosure, Personal Property, and Surplus Property sales are conducted as the need arises with the location, date, and time published in the designated annual county newspaper.
The case caption (who vs. whom), district court case number, name of the attorney for the plaintiff issuing the order of sale and the legal description of the property.
PLEASE NOTE: School shelters are NOT open to the public while school is in session.
Community & Location |
Altamont | Labette County High School |
Chetopa | Methodist Church Chetopa School Library |
Mound Valley | Grade School |
Oswego | Neosho Heights Elementary School Oswego High School Service Valley Grade School |
Labette City | Located near City Park (in-ground shelter) |
Dennis | Fire Department/Community Building |
Parsons | Parsons High School Garfield Elementary School Guthridge Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Municipal Building Parsons #1 Fire Station |
Citations issued by Labette County Sheriff’s Deputies may be paid, unless required to appear in court, by contacting the Labette County District Court Clerk’s office. The Court Clerk’s office is located on the 3rd floor of the Labette County Courthouse at 517 Merchant St, Oswego, Kansas. The clerk can be reached by phone at 620-795-2138 ext 350.
Only in cases of an EMERGENCY, such as a small child being locked inside a vehicle, can the Sheriff's Office send someone to assist with gaining entry to your personal vehicle. Our deputies do not carry any unlocking tools in their patrol cars, and potential liability for property damage will not allow us to unlock personal vehicles.
In non-emergency cases, you would need to call a professional locksmith to assist in gaining entry into your vehicle.
If your vehicle has an out of state title, it will need to be inspected by a deputy in order to obtain Kansas registration. To complete the inspection, deputies must have access to the vehicle, the title, driver's license, and $20.00 fee.
The Labette County Sheriff's Office conducts vehicle identification number (VIN) inspections in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can also call and request an officer to come to your location in Labette County by calling 620-795-2565.
Vehicles with salvage titles must be inspected by the Kansas Highway Patrol. They are on-site at our office on Tuesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to conduct these inspections.
The Sheriff's Office frequently receives requests to perform what we term a "Welfare Check" on another person. These generally occur when people are unable to reach a family member or close friend in Labette County and are concerned about the personal health and welfare of that person. We will generally dispatch a deputy to the address provided by the caller to see if contact can be made with the person in question. If contact is made, and if deemed appropriate and necessary, the deputy will conduct a brief, cursory and informal investigation to determine the physical and/or mental health and well being of the person, without violating his or her privacy rights. The deputy or dispatcher will then re-contact the caller to provide information on what was learned.
Another frequent request is one from a parent for a deputy to check on the "welfare" of minor children in the permanent or temporary custody of the other parent. The Sheriff's Office will generally agree to make one (1) such welfare check on the children, provided the parent making the request can provide specific reasons based on facts that the welfare of the minor children is somehow being jeopardized. One parent will NOT use us, as a tool to harass or intimidate the other parent because of a custody issue or dispute that remains unresolved by the courts.