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The current Labette County Jail facility was built in 1983 with the capacity to hold 40 inmates. The facility was expanded in 1996 and currently has a bed capacity of 84 inmates and holds both local offenders as well as contract offenders for other jurisdictions. Each year the Labette County Jail processes close to 900 offenders. In 2019, the Labette County Jail processed in 825 inmates, with an average daily population of 80 inmates.

The Labette County Jail provides a safe, secure and healthy detention of those ordered by the court to be held. It is the responsibility of all the Labette County Jail staff members to see that these means are attained. This is done with the highest degree of professionalism to ensure the respect of the community. Detention may be for both male and female inmates, pre-trial and post-trial inmates, and offenders serving either misdemeanor sentences or awaiting transportation to the Kansas Department of Corrections for felony sentences.

The Labette County Jail is responsible for the booking procedures of all county arrestees as well as municipal arrests for the cities of Altamont, Chetopa, Oswego and for the City of Parsons when needed. Processing offenders into the facility includes basic booking measures which include photographs, livescan fingerprinting and collection of DNA for qualifying arrestees.

The Labette County Jail Staff consists of: 1 Captain, 1 Jail Coordinator, 4 Jail Corporals, 8 Correctional Officers, 1 Transport Deputies, 2 Court Security Deputy, and 1 Food Service Personnel.

Facility Visitation

Inmate visitation is held on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for Labette County Inmates and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for Contract Inmates.

Visitations are for immediate family only and require photo ID and proof of relationship prior to visiting.

Attorney/inmate visitation is Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays.

Inmate Mail

Inmates can receive normal mail via the United States Postal Service (USPS). All mail incoming and outgoing this facility are screened by staff.  Incoming mail is scanned and provided to inmates via a digital format.  Mail for inmates must contain a return address, or the mail will not be delivered and/or scanned.  Unidentified mail is destroyed upon delivery without exception. 

Outside packages for inmates are not accepted into this facility, and will be returned to sender or destroyed.  

Mailing Address: 

Labette County Jail

Inmate Last name, First name

718 5th Street

Oswego, Kansas 67356


Inmate Healthcare Services

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas


The Labette County Jail contracts medical services for inmates thru Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas (CHC-SEK). This facility works diligently with CHC-SEK to provide inmates with the best quality of healthcare.


Link to Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas


Inmate Commissary and Account Funds

We do not accept cash or checks for inmates at the Labette County Jail. All forms of money received via mail will be returned to sender.

Monetary funds for inmates can be placed on their account using the or in-person using the money kiosk in the front lobby. 

Inmates can purchase up $75.00 each week in commissary items.

   * Inmates who have occurred a debt with the Labette County Jail must have money placed on their account to order commissary. 

   * Friends and Family may directly order commissary form Benchmark.  Commissary Direct Ordering

   * Outside commissary orders will not be accepted while the inmate has outstanding debts.

Link to Jail ATM


Inmate Video and Phone System

NCIC Inmate CommunicationsThe Inmate Phone System is provided by NCIC Correctional Services. Family and Friends can contact the NCIC Customer Service Center at (800) 943.2189 or go to their website for information or set up an account.

Inmates in general population are allowed to place phone calls from the facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Video Chat is available for use from 8:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week.  

All forms of communication are subject to monitoring, and there is no inherit right to privacy.  


Link to NCIC Correctional Services

NCIC Correctional Services


Bonding Procedures

Confirm the inmate's charges and bond amount with the Labette County Correctional Staff.


Determine if you wish to pay a cash bond or utilize the services of an authorized bonding agent. [22-2802(4) Any person charged with a crime who is released on a cash bond shall be entitled to a refund of all moneys paid for the cash bond, after deduction of any outstanding restitution, costs, fines and fees, after the final disposition of the criminal case if the person complies with all requirements to appear in court.]


Notify the correctional staff at (620) 795-2565 of your decision.

If you choose to utilize a bonding agent, the 11th Judicial District must approve him or her.

"It is the discretion of the sheriff of any county of this district to accept and approve bonds pursuant to the authority of K.S.A. 22-2806"

The 11th Judicial District of Kansas has approved the following bonding agents:

Link to 11th Judicial District Bonding Agents

11th Judicial Authorized Bonding Agents


The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Links to PREA Resources

PREA Resource Center

PREA Annual Reports

2019 PREA Audit Report

2016 PREA Audit Report

PREA Policy & Procedures

PREA Poster

PREA Inmate Education Brochure

PREA Inmate Education Brochure-Spanish

PREA was established in 2003 and was created to eliminate sexual abuse in confinement. The Labette County Jail supports the prevention, detection, reduction, and elimination of sexual assault/abuse and harassment within its facility. This is done through continual process of education, interaction, and enforcement to reduce the possibility of dangerous and harmful behaviors.

On July 27th, 2016, the Labette County Jail participated in an audit by a certified PREA auditor. LBJ met the PREA standards for PREA compliancy.

The Labette County Jail is committed to zero tolerance of any form of sexual assault/abuse and sexual harassment in its facility and it operates directly and/or with which it holds contracts for the confinement of inmates. Sexual assault/abuse of an inmate and sexual harassment of an inmate are prohibited.

The Labette County Sheriff's Office has 2 PREA Investigators


  1. Inmate means any person incarcerated or detained in the jail;
  2. Staff means an agency employee;
  3. Contractor means a person who provides services on a recurring basis pursuant to a contractual agreement with this agency; and
  4. Volunteer means an individual who donates time and effort on a recurring basis to enhance the activities and programs of this agency.
  5. Sexual assault/abuse includes any of the following acts; intentional touching, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks with the intent to abuse, arouse or gratify sexual desire; if the victim does not consent, is coerced into such an act by overt or implied threats of violence, or is unable to consent or refuse; includes
    1. Sexual assault/abuse of an inmate by another inmate
    2. Sexual assault/abuse of an inmate by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer as listed above if it is unrelated to official duties.
  6. Sexual harassment includes repeated and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal comments, gestures, or actions of a derogatory or offensive sexual nature; includes
    1. Sexual harassment of an inmate by another inmate
    2. Sexual harassment of an inmate by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer.
  7. Investigation ongoing; investigation has not been completed.
  8. Substantiated; an allegation that was investigated and determined to have occurred
  9. Unfounded; an allegation that was investigated and determined not to have occurred.
  10. Unsubstantiated; an allegation that was investigated and the investigation produced insufficient evidence to make a final determination as to whether or not the event occurred.

I. ANNUAL INCARCERATIONS 2016 - 2019                                                                                                                   

  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021 2022 2023 2024
New Incarcerations: 932 1172 1002 825          
Lowest Daily Population:   47 58 62 62          
Highest Daily Population: 89 85 93 92          
Average Daily Population: 66 71 79 80          






   2016 2017 2018 2019
Notifications 16 8 8 8
Notifications (Outside Agency) 1 0 0 0
Inmate on Inmate 9 4 5 5
Staff on Inmate 8 4 3 3
Under Investigation 1 0 0 0
Substantiated 0 1 0 3
Unfounded 10 6 3 3
Unsubstantiated  6 1 3 5

Labette County PREA Annual Reports

Click on the year to view a downloadable version. 

2019 PREA Annual Report

2018 PREA Annual Report

2017 PREA Annual Report

2016 PREA Annual Report

PREA Poster

Click here to view a downloadable version of the PREA Poster, which includes all information as listed below.

Sexual Assault is a Crime!

If you have been assaulted, don't hide. You are a victim and you have the right to be heard, to be safe.

The Labette County Jail has ZERO TOLERANCE for all forms of sexual assault/abuse and sexual harassment of offenders by staff, contractors, volunteers and other offenders.

Labette County Jail has multiple ways for you to report any incident of sexual abuse or harassment.

Ways to Report:

  1. Tell ANY Labette County staff member or volunteer
  2. Fill out an inmate request form
  3. Fill out an inmate grievance form
  4. Dial 8 then 620-555-1234 on the phone and leave a voice message
  5. Have a family member report for you by calling 1-800-247-4024

The Labette County Jail accepts and investigates all reports of Sexual Assault/Abuse or Sexual Harassment, including Third Party and Anonymous reports.

If you are a victim... Tell someone... Now

PREA Inmate Education Brochure

Click here to view a downloadable version of the PREA Inmate Education Brochure, which includes all information as listed below.

What is sexual assault/abuse?

Includes -

  • Sexual assault/abuse of an inmate by another inmate
    • Rape
    • Forcing you to have sex to repay a debt
    • Offering protection in exchange for sex

  • Sexual assault/abuse of an inmate by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer
    • Staff member makes a sexual advance towards you
    • Staff member forces you to touch them in a sexual manner
    • Staff member touches you in a sexual manner (this does not include routine searches)

What is sexual harassment?


  • Sexual harassment of an inmate by another inmate
    • Repeated or unwelcome sexual advances
    • Derogatory or offensive comments of a sexual nature

  • Sexual harassment of an inmate by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer
    • Derogatory or offensive comments of a sexual nature
    • Demeaning references to your gender


The PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT (PREA), is a federal law enacted in 2003, and was created to eliminate sexual abuse in confinement. The Labette County Jail mandates a zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment within its facility. It is our commitment to investigate any allegation of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; this includes getting services for EVERY victim, and punishing EVERY perpetrator. This includes involving law enforcement and prosecutors.

How to prevent sexual assault/abuse:

  • Do not let anyone offer you favors, lend you things, or offer you protection, it may be a set up for an assault or targeting you as a potential victim.
  • Be aware of situations that make you feel uncomfortable. If it feels wrong, report this to a staff member. It's your right to say "NO", "DON'T", or "STOP IT"
  • If you or someone else is being pressured for sex, report it to a staff member immediately.
  • Be alert; contraband such as drugs and alcohol will make it hard for you to stay alert and make decisions.

What to do if you've been sexually assaulted/abused:

  1. Get to a safe place.
  2. Even if you want to clean up immediately after the assault, it is important to save the evidence.
  3. Don't use the bathroom, brush your teeth, shower, or change your clothes
  4. Report it, even if you don't have any evidence. It doesn't matter when the assault happened.
  5. Tell ANY staff person (Jail Officer, Supervisor, Deputy, Volunteer, Pastor, Nurse, etc...)Talk to any staff member you trust.
  6. Seek the support of a trusted friend, family member, or staff member. Whether or not you plan to report the assault, you may choose to talk to someone.
  7. Request victim services through mental health or medical staff at the facility. They will know how to get services for you.

Just Detention International
3325 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 340
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 384-1400

Labette Center for Mental Health
1730 Belmont
Parsons, KS 67357
(620) 421-3770

Safehouse Crisis Center
(620) 251-3772
(this is free/private call from the Labette Co Jail - At the inmate's request, this call can be made from a confidential cell area.)


How to report a sexual assault/abuse:

If you are a victim of sexual assault or you suspect someone else has been sexually abused or involved in sexual misconduct with a staff member, you need to report it. A thorough and impartial investigation will be conducted.

You can make a report 4 ways:

  • Verbally
  • Written inmate request
  • Written grievance form
  • Dial 8 then 620-555-1234 on phone & leave a message (At the inmate's request, this call can be made from a confidential cell area.)

Remember, we cannot conduct an investigation if we don't have enough information. All information will be kept in strict confidence. Talk to any staff member you feel comfortable with. This can be an officer, supervisor, deputy, volunteer, pastor, ANYONE.

If you are a victim of sexual assault you can also report to an outside provider:

  • Oswego Police Department
    703 5th St, Oswego, KS 67356
    (620) 795-2131
  • Parsons Police Department
    217 N Central, Parsons, KS 67357
    (620) 421-7060
  • U.S. Immigration & Customs
    2401 W Old Rt. 66, Strafford, MO 65757
    (417) 865-7359

Amended: March 12, 2025


Press Releases

Crime Tip Hotline  620-795-2565 or via Email